Friday, January 29, 2010
The Vital Heritage Group is a consortium of businessmen and women providing expertise in funeral planning, life insurance, moving, financial advice, legal and much more. The group was founded by E.C. Umberger and Tom Fulton. A trend that is sweeping across our great country is lack of planning for the unexpected or the expected. All of these entities have but one goal and that is to help people take an inventory of where they are in their lives and helping make short and long term goals to achieve and protect their current and future assets.
The logo design was created to convey the message of life, vitality and a concern for the environment and those who live within it. The stylized leaves make a "V" shape making up the brand. Other versions without the stem were designed for PowerPoint and other applications.
Marketing Specific, Inc. is your resource for logo design.
Vital Heritage Group Logo Design is unveiled
The Vital Heritage Group is a consortium of businessmen and women providing expertise in funeral planning, life insurance, moving, financial advice, legal and much more. The group was founded by E.C. Umberger and Tom Fulton. A trend that is sweeping across our great country is lack of planning for the unexpected or the expected. All of these entities have but one goal and that is to help people take an inventory of where they are in their lives and helping make short and long term goals to achieve and protect their current and future assets.
The logo design was created to convey the message of life, vitality and a concern for the environment and those who live within it. The stylized leaves make a "V" shape making up the brand. Other versions without the stem were designed for PowerPoint and other applications.
Marketing Specific, Inc. is your resource for logo design.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Shop Rowlett Now Logo Design
Now days everyone is introducing their stimulus package. The Rowlett Chamber of Commerce has introduced their new fund raising effort in a unique redemption card that supports only businesses within Rowlett city limits. With well over 50 participating vendors committed to the program we think success is eminent. Local PTA's and other groups can and have adopted this card as their fund raiser for the year.
What makes Shop Rowlett Now card unique? The greatest challenge with redemption cards like this is in most cases the vendor is located outside of your normal traffic patterns. This requires that the end user must make a concerted effort to travel outside their normal routes to redeem the savings. Shop Rowlett Now is concentrated on local vendors. Local being key here. Within a 5 mile radius, card holders can redeem significant savings related to food, pet care, home repair, dry cleaning, tanning, nursery products, mailing, lawn equipment repair and even family water park fun can be found on this card. The idea was to make this card cover every aspect of life whether home or work. Visit the Rowlett Chamber of Commerce website for full details on supporting vendors and card restrictions.
Marketing Specific, Inc. is proud to be affiliated with the Shop Rowlett Now card and the Rowlett Chamber of Commerce. Logo design was created by Cliff Hand, President of Marketing Specific, Inc. Your source for marketing in the Dallas, Fort Worth area.