We have been getting ready for the Royse City Business Expo for the last couple of weeks. Jon my youngest son loves plants and everything that comes with them. Like bugs. I have seen this love for bugs since he was barely walking. He and his brother Jake loved to flush the toilet. They would sneak in the bathroom and flush it for hours. I kept waiting to get a letter from the utility company for exceeding our mandatory water usage. Once a year, living in Texas we have the infamous plague of crickets. The Egyptians had locusts, we have crickets. Jon would carry a wooden spoon around with him and stalk these crickets. Pop them with the bottom of the wooden spoon and then scoop them up and flush them down the toilet. So who needs an exterminator when you have a two year old with a wooden spoon. This became quite popular with him since it involved his two most favorite things, bugs and flushing the toilet. Well, Jon has gotten older and now he loves bugs. Every once in a while he and I will do bug adventures and take photos of bugs on the ranch. I hope you enjoy this one. This lady bug reminds me that Spring is coming and the lavender will soon be showing it's color. I hope this Spring you will find time to stop and smell the lavender. If you don't have lavender of your own we'll be happy to let you borrow some of ours. Until next time, Lavender Up.
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